John Traficante - Spiritual Intuitive Psychic
Born in Hoboken, New Jersey, Rev. John Traficante (JT) discovered early in his childhood that he could see into the past, present, and future, including auras and spiritual energies surrounding people. JT’s gift allows him to do this just by looking at people, hearing their voices, or thinking about them. With all of this he went on his personal journey of self-discovery. As he grew he found faith in God and the universal higher consciousness. Now JT spiritually guides others into higher and greater consciousness, encouraging others to live in the moment. His spiritual blessings continue to blossom throughout his journey and continue to bless him and others.
JT harnesses the vision, has clarity of insight, and believes in the message. many before him had the gift of sight—some call them prophets or visionaries. John nourishes his soul in many ways, with nature and by meditating in different mediums. As he communicates with the spiritual realm. This is how he continues to develop his relationship with his higher self and remains connected to the universal God-consciousness. He has written a guidebook on life and as a hobby he paints beautiful, colorful canvases.
JT has chosen to use his gift as an internationally, respected motivational speaker, spiritual psychic, intuitive, and visionary, successfully guiding his clients toward their spiritual and personal development to achieve their goals. He has helped numerous people reconnect with their deceased loved ones, thereby resolving their pains and discovering new opportunities in life. JT leaves his clients with an indelible blueprint that brightens their road to peace, love, hope, and enlightenment. JT is also an ordained minister.
“I guide people to reach their higher selves. and the infinite possibilities they have through prayer and meditation. I have committed to use my craft and special gift with excellence to help guide and teach people to discover who they really are. Spiritual and personal development is a journey, not a destination.” JT explains. in sessions, classes, phone sessions, appearances, or lectures, he provides you with a road map to develop your true purpose and a higher state of consciousness. JT says it’s best to travel light.…
John Traficante continues to universally blossom and grow into greater levels of enlightenment. He has founded a charity called Rock of Love and Hope inspired by Princess Diana to raise levels of consciousness of love and hope where he spiritually guides people and receives national and international recognition on television and radio, in magazines and newspapers.